Christians together in Sawston
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Christians Together in Sawston is the banner under which we share with other Christians in the village in our efforts to walk the way of Christ. Specifically,
- Christians from all the churches in the village join together for our Good Friday Walk of Witness and the Easter Sunday Sunrise Service on Spicer’s Field.
- We share our Good Friday evening Service and our Christmas Carols service with St Mary’s Parish Church and annually conduct a shared Eucharist on Trinity Sunday.
- We share our Lent Studies with St. Mary’s and the ministers of both churches do joint assemblies in the local schools every couple of months.
- We have recently instituted a Pentecost Shared Service of Praise with participation by SFC, St. Mary’s, Our Lady of Lourdes and Christchurch South Cambs.
- Our annual Summer Holiday Club is held in one of the local schools and is a shared venture with SFC, St. Mary’s and Our Lady of Lourdes.
This is not a formal organisation, but a great working relationship that expresses our shared commitment for Christ’s work in our village.